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Monday, September 7, 2009
  back from RYC


yesterday's RYC was fun .i slept at 330am and wake up at 4am .


and i won 3rd in overall . my group and ena's always compete. and she won 2nd.good for her.

and everything end at 12pm.
so sleepy from 2 days berturot-turot tido pukol 33oam that i decided to sleep with my friend at syafaah mosque till 3pm .and went home. i didn't even realise that i've arrived at toa payoh. went home straight .wash up .and slept at 6pm till 10pm .and i didn't buka. i want to wake up and buka but satu badan lemah. tak jadi and go back to sleep until 130am. found out that i'm sick. go to the kitchen and eat. and rest for awhile. after that i took my blanket and just sit and do nothing as i can't sleep again and cerite semua boring and computer bapak pakai and da tak tau ape nak buat lagi.

k tu jelah.


8:05 PM |