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Tuesday, May 5, 2009


math paper one was a bit tough.hehe..

my brother says that my english is soooooo BAD. And so,he asked me to post my blog in malay language.hehe..Do you mind if i do so??haha.

Me and the other 7 friends of mine went to Affaf's house after school.Her house was so nice.We relax at her room and it was so relaxing.We shared a lot of ghost stories and 'takut sendiri'!!(i don't know what it is in english).We talked,played,prayed,laughed and even ate at her house.So fun!Her mother's cooking was so delicious!

Okayy..i think that all i could share. :)

8:26 PM |

Sunday, May 3, 2009
  Lot of things happen :)


today,i goes to woodland library.The false alarm was so irritating!But mas,aisyah and i got a really fun time.We saw this couple were sitting on the computer table,using two chairs and did not use the computer.They use their laptop instead.We pitied the lady who use the other computer without sitting.After studying,ofcourse we need some rest.Then we goes to the computer table which,the seats were taken by the couple.And when the women(the irritating couple) walk away for awhile,aisyah then says to the men(the couple).

Aisyah:excuse me,are this seats taken?
Men:yes.(then he faces back at his laptop)

And then i goes to the Men.

Me:excuse me,i want this seat.i want to use the computer.
Men:( looked at me)yes.

His girlfriend then came and look at us with such a look.After using the computer,'his' girlfriend then looked at us like a hungry dog.As we leave,the lady quickly take the chairs.haiyya,so kiasu ley..haha!

We get annoyed by the false alarm,so we went to banquet to continue our studies.While studying,i accompanied aisyah to buy 'roti john'.while seeing the man making the food,aisyah then says to me,'eee!dia buat tak senonoh sey!' Then,the man handover the plate.Aisyah thought that it was for her,as she was about to take,the man says that it was for the man behind us.Because he ordered first.Aisyah felt so embarrased.And she says,awak kite paisey!' haha! And then,the man says,'tak pe,tak pe' haha!so embarrassing!!

We also found out a place to pray at causeway.

A lot of things happened today,
we might not know what will happens tomorrow,
well, it's quite amusing this way,
better be cheerful rather than sorrow.

haha.a special poem made by me for all the viewers. :)

10:45 PM |

Saturday, May 2, 2009


this morning..i intend to study science,but since i'm not really interested in it,i lie on my bed feeling boring.then,i heard ice-cream bell.i asked my bro if he has $1.i don't know why he became so kind to me that he gave me $2.1 for me and 1 for him.i screamed to the ice-cream men saying that 'hello hello wait!'.i could see him searching for the voice.i rush down to the carpark and ask for raspberry and triple chocolate on bread.i never bought ice-cream bread because i knew i wouldn't gonna eat it properly.but since i'm eating it at home,i think i should try it.guess what!i ate it properly!i don't make a mess!

i've study some of the topics(science).and so far i've understand.so now,i want to get back to my table and study more! :)

thats all!

5:02 PM |